You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

150 lines
4.2 KiB

// 防止外部破解
if(!defined('SYSTEM')) {exit();}
// 判断登录状态
if (ACCESS_KEY != "" && SAVE_CACHE == 1) {
// 从数据库获取
$out = get_userinfo_fromsql();
$uid = $out[0];
$add_time = $out[1];
$due = $out[2];
$expired = $out[3];
$msg = "";
// 判断是否不在数据库里
$insert = 0;
if ($add_time == "0") {
$insert = 1; // INSERT 添加内容
if ($uid == "0" && $expired == "0") {
$out = get_userinfo();
$uid = $out[0];
$due = $out[1];
$expired = "0";
if ($insert == 1 && $uid != "0") {
// 写入新 key
$sql = "INSERT INTO `keys` (`add_time`,`uid`,`access_key`,`due_date`) VALUES (now(),'$uid','".ACCESS_KEY."','$due')";
$dbh -> exec($sql);
} elseif (time() - strtotime($add_time) >= CACHE_TIME_USER) {
// 超时,开始刷新
$out = refresh_userinfo();
$uid = $out[0];
$due = $out[1];
$expired = $out[2];
$msg = $out[3];
// key已过期 或 服务器不允许未登录用户
if ($uid == "0" && (NEED_LOGIN == 1 || $expired == "1")) {
block(20, "访问密钥已过期或不存在(脚本设置左下角重新授权)", $msg);
} elseif (ACCESS_KEY != "") {
// 有 access_key 但没开缓存,只会在需要时检查用户
if (NEED_LOGIN == 1 || (BLOCK_TYPE == "blacklist" || BLOCK_TYPE == "whitelist" || BLOCK_TYPE == "local_blacklist" || BLOCK_TYPE == "local_whitelist" )) {
$out = get_userinfo();
$uid = $out[0];
$due = $out[1];
$msg = $out[2];
if ($uid == "0") {
block(20, "访问密钥已过期或不存在(脚本设置左下角重新授权)", $msg);
3 years ago
// 开始鉴权
if (ACCESS_KEY != "") { // access_key 存在
// resign.php 可能会用到
$is_blacklist = false;
$is_whitelist = false;
define('UID', $uid);
if (BLOCK_TYPE == "blacklist" || BLOCK_TYPE == "whitelist") {
if (SAVE_CACHE == 1) {
// 获取黑白名单缓存
$out = get_cache_blacklist();
$is_blacklist = $out[0];
$is_whitelist = $out[1];
if ((SAVE_CACHE == 1 && $is_blacklist == "⑨") || SAVE_CACHE == 0) {
$status = json_decode(get_blacklist(UID), true);
2 years ago
@$code = $status['code'];
if ((string)$code == "0") {
$is_blacklist = $status['data']['is_blacklist'];
$is_whitelist = $status['data']['is_whitelist'];
if (SAVE_CACHE == 1) {
write_cache_blacklist(); // 写入缓存
2 years ago
} elseif (BLACKLIST_ERROR == 2) {
2 years ago
block(24, "黑名单服务器连接异常,请联系服务器提供者,或是等待修复。");
2 years ago
} elseif (BLACKLIST_ERROR == 1) {
if (in_array($uid, $BLACKLIST)) {
$is_blacklist = true;
2 years ago
} elseif (in_array($uid, $WHITELIST)) {
$is_whitelist = true;
$is_baned = false;
2 years ago
$baned = 0;
switch (BLOCK_TYPE) {
case "blacklist": // 在线黑名单
if ($is_blacklist == 1) {
$is_baned = true;
$baned = 21;
$reason = $uid." 在黑名单";
case "whitelist": // 在线白名单
if (!$is_whitelist == 1) {
$is_baned = true;
$baned = 22;
$reason = $uid." 不在白名单";
case "local_blacklist": // 本地黑名单
if (in_array($uid, $BLACKLIST)) {
$is_baned = true;
$baned = 21;
$reason = $uid." 在黑名单";
if (in_array($uid, $WHITELIST)) {
$is_whitelist = true;
case "local_whitelist": // 本地白名单
if (!in_array($uid, $WHITELIST)) {
$is_baned = true;
$baned = 22;
$reason = $uid." 不在白名单";
} else {
$is_whitelist = true;
// pass
// 写入日志
if (SAVE_LOG == 1 && $type != 1) {
3 years ago
define('BAN_CODE', $baned);
// 开始ban
2 years ago
$support_replace_type = array("hlw", "tom", "txbb", "xyy", "all", "random"); // 允许替换的类型兼容旧版config
if ($is_baned) {
if (in_array(REPLACE_TYPE, $support_replace_type)) {
include (ROOT_PATH."utils/replace_playurl.php");
} else {
block($baned, $reason);
} else { // access_key 不存在
if (CID == "13073143" || CID == "120453316") { // 漫游测速
// pass
3 years ago
} elseif (BLOCK_TYPE == "whitelist" || BLOCK_TYPE == "local_whitelist" || NEED_LOGIN == 1) { // 白名单模式 或 黑名单模式+需要登录
block(23, "未提供访问密钥(漫游需要登录、脚本需要授权)");